- Unix and Linux difference
- Linux File System structure
- Basic Linux/Unix commands
- Changing file permissions and ownership
- Filter commands
- Simple filter and advance filter commands
- Start and stop services
- Package installation using RPM and YUM
Introduction to Devops :
- Define Devops
- What is Devops
- SDLC models,Lean,ITIL,Agile
- Why Devops
- History of Devops
- Devops Stakeholders
- Devops Goals
- Important terminology
- Devops perspective
- Devops and Agile
- Devops Tools
- Configuration management
- Continuous Integration and Deployment
Introduction to Cloud computing:
- What is cloud computing
- Characteristics of cloud computing
- Cloud implementation models
- Cloud service models
- Advantages of cloud computing
- Concerns of cloud computing
GIT : Version Control
- Introduction
- What is GIT
- About Version Control system and Types
- Difference between CVCS and DVCS
- A short history of GIT
- GIT basics
- GIT command line
- Installing GIT : Installing on Linux, Windows
- Intial setup
- Creating repository
- Cloning, check-in and committing
- Fetch pull and remote
- Branching
- Creating the Branches, switching the branches,
merging the branches
Chef for Configuration management
Overview of Chef
- Common Chef Terminology(server, Workstation, Client, Repository etc.)
- Servers and Nodes
- Chef Configuration concepts
Workstation setup :
- How to configure Knife
- Execute some commands to test the connection between knife and workstations
Organization setup :
- Create organization
- Add yourself and node to organization
Test Node Setup :
- Create a server and add to organization
- Check node details using Knife
Node Objects and Search
- How to Add Run list to Node
- Check Node details
- How to create Environments
- Add servers to environments
- Create roles
- Add roles to organization
- Understanding of Attributes
- Creating Custom Attributes
- Defining in Cookbooks
Date bags
- Understanding the data bags
- Creating and managing the data bags
- Creating the data bags usig CLI and Chif console
- Sample data bags for creating Users
- Creating AWS account
- Free tier Eligible services
- Understanding AWS Regions and availability zones
EC2 (Elastic Cloud Comput)
- About EC2 and types, Pricing
- EIP, Allocating, associating, releasing
- Launch windows and Linux instances in AWS
- Connecting windows and Linux instances from windows destop and Linux machnes
S3( Simple Storage Service)
- About AWS Storage services, EBS and S3
- Creating S3 Buckets and Putting objects in bucket
- Discussion about Bucket Properties
- S3 Pricing
- About S3 glecier
Puppet for configuration management
What is Puppet?
- How Puppet works
- Puppet Architecture
- Master and Agents
- Puppet terminology and about Manifests
Installation and Configuration
- Installing Puppet
- Configuring Puppet Master and Agent
- Connecting Agent
Puppet Master
- Puppet configuration files
Puppet Language Basics
- The declarative language
- Resources
- Using Basic resources like file, package service
- Resource Collectors
- Virtual Resources
- Exported Resources
- Mainfests
- Modules and Classes
- Class Parameters
- Defined Type
- Static Contents Explosion
- Using Dynamic Content with Templates
- Templates Overview
Example Code Manifests/Modules
- NTP Module
- User Module
- Sudo
Puppet Forge
- Understading the Puppet Forge
- Module structure
- Install LAMP with preexisting modules
- Installing Apache Tomcat with Puppet Modules
Jenkins -continuous Integration
- Understanding continuous integration
- Introduction abou Jenkins
- Build Cycle
- Jenkins Architecture
- Obtaining and Installing Jenkins
- Installing and configuring jenkins using WAR and RPM
- Java installation and configuration
- Maven Installation
- Exploring jenkins Dashboard
- Creating jobs
- Running the jobs
- Setting up the global environments for jobs
- Adding and updating Plugins
- Disabling and deleting jobs
Build Deploymens
- Understanding Deployment
- Tomcat installation and configuration
Securing jenkins :
- Authentication
- jenkins Plugin
- Authorization
- Confidentiality
- Creating users
- Best Practices for Jenkins
Docker -Containers
- What is a Docker
- Use case of Docker
- Platform for Docker
- Dockers Vs Virtualization
- Docker Architecture
- Understanding the Docker components
- Installing Docker on Linux
- Understanding installation of Docker on Windows
- Some Docker commands
- Provisioning
Docker Hub
- Downloading Docker images
- Uploading the images in Docker Registry and AWS ECS
- Understanding the containers
- Running commands in container
- Running multiple containers
Custom images
- Creating a custom image
- Running a container from the custom image
- Publishing the custom image
Docker Networking
- Accessing containers
- Linking containers
- Exposing container ports
- Container Routing
Docker Compose
- Installing the Docker compose
- Terminology in Docker compose
- Build word press site using Docker compose
- Why and what is Vagrant
- Uses of Vagrant in an environment
- Alternatives of Vagrant
Installation and Configuration
- Installing Virtual box
- How to Install Vagrant on Windows and Linux
- Configuring Vagrant
Provisioning with Vagrant
- Creating first VM with Vagrant
- Operations on the VM
- Connecting to the VM
- Add required Images to Vagrant
- Creating network and port forwarding using Vagrant
- About Monitoring tools
- About New Relic
- Installing and Configuring New Relic
- Application Monitoring using New Relic
- Server Monitoring using New Relic
- Alerts policies
- Introduction
- What is ELK
- ELK Installation
- ElasticSearch
- Logstash
- Configuring Logstashand kibana
- Introduction about Ansible
- How to install Ansible on Linux
- Conditional Statements in Ansible
- Play books
- Roles
GPS INFOTECH (Software Solutions)
Contact person: prakash
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